for next-generation bioentrepreneurs

Our flagship program begins with a “mutual-matching” team formation phase, followed by workshops and mentor office hours, culminating in a final pitch showcase before world-renowned judges.

01 Team Formation

Align scientists and business students interested in launching a venture. Facilitate the self-matching process.

02 Strategy Support

Industry Mentors Long-term guidance from experienced entrepreneurs & biotech executives.

Legal Strategy
Navigate the IP and corporate law landscapes with guidance from legal experts.

Clinical Consulting
Work with clinical residents to explore unmet clinical needs and interview KOLs.

03 Hands-on Workshops

Iterate on key components of a science-first business thesis through deep-dive workshops with industry experts.

04 Professional Development

Enable networking with faculty, biotech executives, first-time founders, and VCs.

05 Final Pitch Showcase

Teams present to audience comprising of program mentors, Harvard and MIT academics, industry veterans, and top tier VC judges.

Program benefits

Our program provides a proven and unparalleled competitive advantage to begin the lab-to-market journey.

Expert mentorship

Direct weekly support from successful biotech founders, operators, and investors through office hours and workshops.

Direct Feedback

Priceless one-on-one feedback from top-tier life sciences experts across the biotech ecosystem.

Build your network

Form powerful relationships with an exceptional cohort of executives, investors, scientists, and peers through exclusive Nucleate events.




Number of
companies incorporated


Million USD
funds raised to date


Number of
jobs created


Number of
acquisition of Nucleate company

If you’re ready to build your bioventure, let’s get in touch.







  • Where are the Activator Programs located?

    Activator takes place in-person in several regions globally. If there is not a Nucleate Chapter in your region, we also offer a Global Virtual Activator. (Ann Arbor, Atlanta, Baltimore, Bay Area, Boston, Canada, Chicago, DC, Denmark, Florida, France UniCA, Germany, Global Virtual, Israel, Los Angeles, New Haven, New York, Philadelphia, RTP, San Diego, Seattle, Switzerland, Texas, Twin City, United Kingdom)

  • What type of projects are available?

    Projects in life sciences that have not received any equity funding, but with preliminary POC data. Projects have received consent to participate from tech transfer offices, but have not yet licensed IP. Less than one year to the next inflection point that require substantial investment (translational academic or private).

  • What are the expectations on time commitment?

    It is project dependent, but can range from 5-10 hours/week including by weekly workshops.

  • Do you take equity/ what does Nucleate get in return?

    The program is free and we do not take equity. Our passion is meeting and building a community of student bioentrepreneurs. We get to help you and that is what we love to do.

  • What are the expectations on founder roles & equity?

    No implicit legal partnership formed via participation in program, unless voluntarily discussed during program. Members of a team are to be treated equally and fairly in this startup venture. Founder roles, rights and obligations to be discussed and negotiated in good faith upon program completion.

  • Who owns the IP?

    IP of tech previously developed in academic labs are owned by respective institutions. Teams are expected to obtain consent from respective tech transfer offices to enter Nucleate. Teams will work with tech transfer offices to build a compelling case to spin-out tech into startup.

  • When is the application due?

    Applications are due October 15th for US chapters, but vary with international chapters. Please contact your local chapter directly to request more information.

  • How do I apply?

    Fill out an application at